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Independent Review into Workplace Equality in Ambulance Victoria

Phase 3: Progress Evaluation Audit

This Progress Evaluation Audit report marks the third and final phase of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission's Independent Review into Workplace Equality in Ambulance Victoria. In undertaking the Progress Evaluation Audit, the Commission has assessed and reported on the extent to which priority phase one recommendations have been implemented. The Commission has also identified areas for improvement.

How to read this report

This Progress Evaluation Audit report has been created digitally to allow for the easy access of the links between report elements and in response to feedback from Ambulance Victoria staff who expressed a desire for a multimodal presentation of findings highlighting the most important information. Each page can be downloaded as an individual document for accessibility.


The Overview section provides the context for the Progress Evaluation Audit. It contains the forewords in video format as well as an introduction, methodology and executive summary. There is also an infographic providing a visual summary of findings from the workforce survey with quotes from interviews and focus groups.


The recommendations section provides an in-depth analysis of each of the 25 priority recommendations, covering the following aspects:

  • The intent behind each recommendation

  • A summary of the findings from phase one of the review that led to the recommendation

  • An evaluation of the extent and adequacy of Ambulance Victoria’s implementation efforts

  • The progress that the implementation of this recommendation has made towards reform implementation and the priorities for future work.

Barriers and Enablers

The Barriers and Enablers section identifies eight key actions identified during the audit process, explaining their significance and how their prioritisation will enhance the implementation of priority recommendations. It is anticipated that Ambulance Victoria will continue to link these with the remaining recommendations in future efforts.

Additionally, this section provides guidance on the areas of flexibility and the building of a culture of prevention, which was a desired outcome of Ambulance Victoria from this progress evaluation audit.