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Barriers and Enablers to Reform

Identified opportunities for improvement.

Throughout the Commission’s analysis work in the Progress Evaluation Audit, themes emerged that connected many of the priority recommendations. From these themes, the Commission identified 4 current Ambulance Victoria organisational practices that are barriers to workplace reform and 4 current organisational practices that enable workplace reform. Considering these barriers and enablers will support Ambulance Victoria to address the intent of the recommendations and address workplace harm in a holistic way.

The following sections outline the significance of each barrier and enabler, and note how they can be considered to support the implementation of the priority recommendations. This information is further detailed in the priority recommendations to which these barriers and enablers are linked. Inter-related barriers and enablers are also highlighted to demonstrate a pathway to deeper understanding.

Each barrier and enabler details impacts to the workforce and also to leadership. Discussion of workforce impacts considers effects on individuals and the need for whole-of-workforce participation and accountability in reforms. Discussion of leadership impacts considers organisational and management effects, and the need for systemic change to build lasting reform.

The Commission hopes that Ambulance Victoria will consider these barriers and enablers alongside the remaining recommendations in future reform efforts. Additionally, this section of the report provides guidance on the areas of flexibility and the creation of a prevention culture, which Ambulance Victoria expressed a desire to better understand during this Progress Evaluation Audit.