Recommendation 16 is part of a group of complaint-related recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of Ambulance Victoria’s reporting and complaint system, including embedding person-centred and trauma-informed approaches across the complaint-management process.*
The Commission found that person-centred and trauma-informed practice principles have been considered throughout the PSBD complaint workflow and the responsibilities of team members. The PSBD’s Operating Manual Draft Version 0.4 (a living document), for example, outlines steps to be taken by case managers that are aligned with person-centred practice.
However, the Commission also found that of the survey respondents who had made complaints to the PSBD since 5 June 2023, most tended not to agree that their complaint had been handled in a fair, trauma-informed or person-centred way.[27]
On the measures above, operational staff including ambulance paramedics with less than 12 months experience (AP12s), Advanced Life Support (ALS) paramedics and Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA)/MICA flight paramedics had lower rates of agreement than overall, while non-operational and operational support and managerial staff reported higher rates of agreement.
The Commission also asked respondents to complaints for their feedback. Among this cohort, there were very high levels of dissatisfaction with timeliness, fairness, support and communication – elements that speak to issues of natural justice not being perceived or experienced as well as they could be.
*See Recommendation 13: A victim-centred and fair report and complaint system, Recommendation 14: Enhancing perceptions of independence and supporting capability for the new organisational response to reports and complaints of unlawful conduct, Recommendation 15: Supporting staff to confidently report through anonymous pathways, Recommendation 18: Developing resources to support accessibility of the report and complaint system and Recommendation 23: Supporting the effective delivery of reporting and complaint reforms.