The Prevention Strategy attempts to describe actions to address the specific drivers and risk factors identified in Volume I of the Phase 1 Report (Recommendation 3a); however, only at a high level. For example, foundational actions listed for addressing power imbalances are: values refresh; reduce entrenched acting roles; diversity and inclusion plans; improved workplace conditions; and people management and leadership training. There is no further detail or reference to timeframes in which these actions might be undertaken.
Ambulance Victoria reports that it has engaged and consulted on the development of the Prevention Strategy with groups including the Staff Reference Group, relevant internal governance committees, regional directors, WorkSafe, the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector, unions and the Commission (Recommendation 3b). Ambulance Victoria has provided evidence of internal consultation; however, as the Prevention Strategy was not approved when the Commission undertook interviews and focus groups during this Progress Evaluation Audit, the Commission could not verify external consultation.
Ambulance Victoria’s Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) is referenced in the Prevention Strategy. However, it is unclear how prevention measures in the Prevention Strategy and in the GEAP are integrated. This is the same for the referenced Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan and the Accessibility Action Plan (Recommendation 3c).
The Prevention Strategy describes, at a high level only, some accountabilities for leaders and managers. The document lacks specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) actions/controls. The Prevention Strategy describes Ambulance Victoria’s commitment to regularly reviewing the controls listed in the Prevention Strategy. Yet the Prevention Strategy is unclear on who has responsibility to lead implementation and only references a now non-existent role (Executive Director Equality and Workplace Reform) as accountable for several controls (Recommendation 3d).
The Commission is concerned about page 13 of the Prevention Strategy, which outlines possible action options for people who witness unlawful and harmful workplace behaviour. This seems to be an attempt to address points (a)(i) and (ii) of Recommendation 8: Encouraging a ‘speak up’ culture. However, given the Upstander program has not yet been rolled out, releasing this advice around diffusing and calling out behaviour may create a risk of harm to bystanders in the absence of supporting education and tools.