Through existing governance mechanisms (including the Staff Reference Group) or new participatory approaches, Ambulance Victoria could improve collaboration with the main beneficiaries of implementation activities – the workforce.
The Victorian Public Sector Commission Innovation Network defines participatory approaches as ‘planning, designing, implementing and evaluating with people who are affected by the products, policies, services and systems we are designing. Using participatory approaches means progressing beyond traditional stakeholder engagement activities such as informing or consulting – moving from “doing to” and “doing for” into the “doing with” space’. There is an opportunity for Ambulance Victoria’s workforce to be more influential in decisions that affect their workplace, so that their input can help to shape better reform outcomes.
Given Ambulance Victoria’s highly operational nature and the fact that the workforce is dispersed across the state, participatory approaches can be challenging to implement but should be prioritised. Participatory approaches could include:
embracing a range of perspectives, deferring judgement and deepening understanding
elevating the voices of lived experience and engaging directly with people rather than making assumptions
creating a welcoming environment where people feel comfortable and valued
avoiding rushing to conclusions, instead spending time exploring questions and insights with others
learning through doing, including by testing assumptions early and often through prototyping to learn what works
valuing diverse perspectives to understand different views and find common ground, to facilitate spaces for honest, inclusive conversations that respect all perspectives.