Ambulance Victoria told the Commission that the Assessment Committee, which recommends a resolution pathway, balances a complainant’s wishes with Ambulance Victoria’s obligation to ensure a safe workplace for all workers and other legislated obligations. The Assessment Committee also considers the complainant’s willingness to participate in a complaint-resolution process, which may not be their first choice. In some cases, the Assessment Committee may choose not to proceed with a particular pathway because it is unable to ensure a fair process if further information is not provided by the complainant. Complaint-resolution options are:
line manager (or other trusted manager) resolution including informal discussion, conduct reminder, formal counselling, performance/behavioural improvement plan
mediation including facilitated discussion, formal mediation, shuttle mediation or any other format that suits the needs of the parties involved
referral to another Ambulance Victoria department.
In some cases, resolutions may involve the respondent offering an apology to the complainant.
Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged through bullying. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.[17]
During the Progress Evaluation Audit, Ambulance Victoria advised the Commission that restorative practices are used for complaints – giving the example of the high numbers of referrals of complaints back to local area management, where strategies including performance improvement, reflective practices, emotional intelligence training, coaching or referral to an organisational psychologist are used. Contrastingly, the workforce told the Commission in interviews and focus groups that there is a general lack of accountability for perpetrators and a lack of transparency around outcomes for substantiated complaints. The Commission did not get a sense from the workforce that restorative practices that engender remorse, humility, acknowledgement of behaviour (and other restorative actions) are embedded in complaint resolution once a complaint has been substantiated.
The Commission notes that the establishment of an independent restorative engagement scheme was the subject of Recommendation 2, which is not in scope for the Progress Evaluation Audit.