Ambulance Victoria has developed resources including posters titled ‘However you want to report it. We want to hear about it’ and ‘AV report and complaints process’ as well as a ‘PSBD resolution process’ infographic.
Guidance in complaint procedures includes the ‘We have received your complaint’ guide for complainants, as well as the ‘Guidance for respondents’ and ‘Guidance for witnesses’. These documents include information on what parties to a complaint should expect, including how quickly their complaint will be assigned, what information they will receive, expected standards of service and how their information will be handled.
The Commission found that, while the majority of the information required by Recommendation 18 has been included in the resources, the resources do not mention the external complaint pathways available, such as Fair Work, SafeWork or the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. As these documents will be subject to annual review, this information should be included in future iterations.
The Commission also notes that the resources do not include an estimation of the overall timeframe associated with a complaint. During the Progress Evaluation Audit, the Commission frequently heard of workforce dissatisfaction with complaint service timelines. It is important that Ambulance Victoria manages complaint timeframes and communicates average complaint timeframes in all resources about the PSBD complaint service. This will help to ensure complainants can make informed decisions and have reasonable timeline expectations before lodging a complaint. It will also assist respondents and witnesses in understanding what will be required of them during their participation in the complaint process, which is especially useful for complainants from multicultural backgrounds and First Peoples. This will promote agency and informed decision-making of complaint participants and may assist Ambulance Victoria in reducing the negative feedback received regarding complaint timeframes.