Ambulance Victoria has implemented the Victorian Government’s template Board skills and diversity matrix, which includes collecting information on Aboriginality, cultural and linguistic background, disability, gender, age group, sexual orientation and principal place of residence.
The matrix does not include data on religion as required by point (a) of Recommendation 40: Updating and strengthening governance documents.
The Commission notes that in addition to the Board diversity and skills matrix, Ambulance Victoria maintains a matrix for the Board Community Advisory Committee to ensure broad community representation.
The Ambulance Victoria Board Chair is required by the Department of Health to complete a survey in advance of annual Board recruitment which includes questions on diverse recruitment characteristics that should be prioritised to better reflect the Victorian community.
The Community Advisory Committee provides advice and direction to the Board on issues directly impacting the community.
The Board diversity and skills matrix enables Ambulance Victoria to understand the nature and extent of the Board’s demographic diversity.