Ambulance Victoria reported that the broad champions of change network comprises the Staff Reference Group (SRG) together with project governance committees and several working groups (including the Reconciliation Working Group and the Gender Equality Working Group).
The Commission found that the 2022 and 2023 SRG terms of reference did not have a champions role specified, but that the terms of reference for the SRG were amended in 2024 to include a champions role.
During data collection, the Commission found that there were members of the workforce who were passionate about organisational change and had therefore been acting as champions in a more informal capacity. However, the Commission did not find evidence that change was being felt across the organisation. Even if some members of the workforce were acting as champions, their efforts were outweighed by low levels of morale and trust within the workforce.
The Commission also heard that some members of the workforce were initially enthusiastic about communicating with colleagues on change and being part of reform (for example, acting as informal champions) but had now become disillusioned because they were not yet seeing impactful changes to their day-to-day workplace experience. See Reform Barrier: Change Management Approach.